
Jamaican Queens, “Kids Get Away”

There's so much to love about Jamaican Queens' video for "Kids Get Away". The portly loser who enters the diner is loveable for his shortcomings instantly, only becoming more of a vision when he uses his chin roll to trap the newspaper under his neck to remove his jacket. We love the diner in a town still safe enough to have a coat hanger at the door. The waittress is the right balance of plain Jane and attractive enough to have a stalker in the diner. Thirty seconds into director Andrew Miller's music video and we are sucked into the story.

There are moments where the narrative could have slipped. Finding out the lusty loser takes it too far in the privacy of his home sent alert signals to like the video a little less, fearing it would be a predictable ending. But, Miller slips in just enough foreshadowing to wet one's interest without sacrificing the big finish. The main character is creepy, but you want to hold out hope for him that maybe he works from home as a mannequin-maker (Holy shit, is that a job? or was it once, much like cobbler or blacksmith?).

"Kids Get Away" remains the only Jamaican Queens song to date. We have high hopes for them in 2013.