
Lady Shame, “Looky Here”

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Lady Shame – the solo reinvention of Shame Thugs – is the vision of Miss Mess (DJ Mary Shelley) and production partner Sonny Blood (DJ Spacey Fade) mixing genres and winning over dance fiends across the board. Their self-titled cassette hits the airwaves on August 19th, but until then, we have your fix with the exclusive premiere of their music video for “Looky Here”.

Well, isn’t this video nuts? Reminiscent of a modern take on Donnie Darko, a man dressed as a wolf seems to be controlling the entire situation, as if he has the strings to the marionettes. You could also interpret it as a drug-induced ritual – sacrifice or sexual – between a wolf/man dressed as a wolf and his slave. The music is eery as the backdrop, as it becomes ever clearer that the wolf has some sort of control over this woman dancing in black lace. The song itself is trippy, with a distorted man’s voice hitting heavy in slow motion over the instrumentals and vocals, which are both charming and supernatural in their own way. I guess you can’t really imagine much different for the video, which certainly carries Lady Shame’s fans into another, far more intense and slightly scary world.

Tour Dates
August 20 @ Lava Space in Philadelphia (Tape release show)
September 16 @ The Glove in NYC
September 17 in providence RI @ TBA

Lady Shame is out August 19th via Hairy Spider Legs.