
Lovers and Reflections, “Swords”

Lovers and Reflections duo Regan Rebecca and Chris Moore get their album title track "Swords" stop-motion-animated from the multi-talented-key-cascader Alice Cohen, with production assistance by Amy Ruhl.

The album's Tarot Suit of Swords numerically correct concept is brought out in Cohen's video collage of kaleidoscopic imageries, and crystal balls visions to match the home studio syntheses. Alice elaborates on the tarot deck inspired visuals to combine the card deck's coverage of human experiences with archaic imagery, sometimes matching the action of Regan's fantastical and transformative lyrics. "Here I come, riding the wind, on the back of my winged white horse, swallows follow bringing transformation, and my hand holds a silver sword". Here descriptions and depictions of the past, and current states are throttled toward future predictions with visual feast fantasias galore.

Lovers and Reflections' debut album Swords is available now via Bandcamp.