
M. Lamar, “Legacies”

Post Author: Elizabeth Schneider

With stark black and white images, M. Lamar has created a provocative video in “Legacies” that is part of a longer feature that he has also created.  The song itself, which is on the upcoming album Surveillance Punishment and the Black Psyche, is haunting with pointed lyrics about a difficult subject:

‘Legacies’ is a very important moment in the story of Surveillance Punishment and The Black Psyche. This is the moment that the main character, a 17 year old black boy, realizes that the 53 year old white man with whom he was having a sexual relationship, is one of the klansmen who lynched and castrated his father. The video was shot at Participant INC in Manhattan and The Living Gallery in Brooklyn. This video is also part of my forthcoming feature film.

The Brooklyn based M. Lamar utilizes his majestic singing voice to tell a painful story as an opera.  His musical arrangements  are as much the story as the lyrics.  “I am in love with the string arrangements by Charlie Looker and performed brilliantly by Mivos Quartet!!” he exclaims. “These collaboration have been a dream come true for me!! I am in awe of both Mivos and Looker!!! They are the best of the best!!!”

Lamar will be releasing two albums Funeral Doom Spiritual and Surveillance Punishment and the Black Psyche on January 27, 2017. He will be premiering his multi-media performance Funeral Doom Spiritual at National Sawdust on January 13th and 14th. Keep up with him here.