
Meyhem Lauren, “Fingerless Driving Gloves”

Meyhem Lauren's Respect The Fly Shit is getting heavy spins lately, particularly due to "Fingerless Driving Gloves", which opens the mixtape with a chilling organ and buzzsaw riffing. Produced by Tommy Mas & Harry Fraud, "Fingerless Driving Gloves" is as to-the-point as a rap song can be. Meyhem Lauren states from the jump he's not bringing New York back, since in his mentality is it never left.

Meyhem's list of fly shit include, but are not limited to: 500 series, fingerless driving gloves, jambalaya, LRG clothing, la musica de Harry Fraud, cash only fine dining, French chardonnay, bruschetta, and of course, Polo.

Download Respect The Fly Shit here.