
Mini Dresses, “Me and Mine”

Post Author: Ava Myint
Mini Dresses Me and Mine

Indie dream pop duo Mini Dresses have released a gorgeous music video for “Me And Mine”, off their FOUR EP, released earlier this April. According to singer/bassist Lira Mondal, the video, directed by Anastasia Cazabon, was meant to pay homage to their “favorite late ’60s Czech New Wave films (Daisies, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders).” Rich, saturated colors paint an idyllic, pastoral landscape, mixed in with romantic imagery of flowers, butterflies, and bird cages. Adding to the dreaminess, the video is touched up with softly focused close-ups, swirled overlays, and mirrored images. The song’s airy vocals, akin to the Cocteau Twins, bleed into the washed out guitars. The syrupy sweet melody accompanies the off-putting visual narrative of two nymph-like girls. Their faces are never shown, except when they insert a sliced-out eye behind a small ornamented frame in an Un Chien Andalou manner. Gruesome but beautiful, it’s a perfect visual representation of this surreal track.

FOUR is currently streaming on Bandcamp.