
Mount Sharp, “Icarus”

Post Author: Sjimon Gompers

Brooklyn’s Mount Sharp fly close to the moon and sun in the video premiere of, “Icarus”, directed by Jonathan Rogers, produced by Jennifer Bonior, with cinematography by Andy Kugler. Taken off the band’s forthcoming Weird Fears EP from YK Records, the video treasures the golden hours of embraces shared between the star-crossed protagonists, Brandon Finney and Liz Boliver.  The “morning streaked glow” of dawn from Mount Sharp’s trio of Sarah Wood, Ryan Zumsen, and Bryan Bruchman is accompanied by a romantic short film that shines the light of day on the feelings and thoughts that are often reserved for restless nights.

Sarah, Bryan, and Ryan’s song about legendary lovers on “Icarus” reaches out to every insomniac at heart. Sleepless thoughts of tossed and turned memories run wild from street, field, transit stations, unmade beds, and lonely bathtubs. “Icarus” measures the mythology with depictions of moments both shared and spent apart. The evening essence of late night adventures to the sobering break of day solitude is played out between the on-screen chemistry of Brandon and Liz, as sunrise sky projections fill in the composition of the frame to underscore Mount Sharp’s ode to anxious hearts.

We had the chance to talk to Sarah, Bryan, and Ryan about the song, video, upcoming album, and more:

What do you all feel really changed or evolved between the writing and recording for your debut, Hello Mount Sharp, to Weird Fears?

Sarah: We started to coalesce as a group and feed off of each other. When we first started playing together, I already had a bunch of songs written that just needed to be rounded out and filled in. All of my experiences up to this point had been like that — write it and hand it off. That process is actually super depressing, because it isn’t very collaborative, and I can feel a bit like a dictator when all of the ideas are already solidified in my head. Now, everyone is comfortable enough to be critical and we can write the bones of a song together in practice – and some of those are on the new record.

What kind of fears of the weird contributed to the composition of Weird Fears?

Sarah: Pocket sized, vaguely irrational fears that you can’t quite shake out of your brain. Like thinking you could be dating a serial killer after watching a lot (really, a lot) of dark British crime dramas, or imagining all the possible outcomes of a relationship after meeting someone. It’s all about the subtle baggage that makes us self-sabotage connections with people—by getting to clingy or distant, by never being able to let go of fear.

What was it like working with Jonathan Rogers on the video for “Icarus”, where those thoughts about thinking too much take on lives of their own?

Sarah: Weird story—all of that footage was originally intended for another project which was never finished. We connected with Jonathan through our label (ykrecords) to see if we could re-cut it to fit one of our songs. So, we were incredibly lucky to find this beautiful short film footage with the perfect tone. It really took only one edit to get it where we wanted it to be—I wish we had been able to work together more! Maybe next time we’ll start at the drawing board.

I have always loved the legend of Icarus, and the whole flying too close to the sun metaphor. What was the story behind the song for you all?

Sarah: Well, I can be a real jerk. I was hooking up with someone who wanted to be with me, and I was lonely enough to not worry about my motivations, but I really just didn’t want to be alone. I did a lot of rationalizing at the time, but it was all ego and selfishness that motivated me. The connection to Icarus is about that dumb ego, and almost knowing you’re making a mistake because it sounds so, so stupid if you actually explain the whole plan to anyone — I’m going to hook up with someone who’s super into me and it won’t get weird, later we’ll talk about how wax can’t melt — but you think you’re special enough, or the situation is unique enough, that it won’t end terribly. Spoiler — it ends terribly.

Latest favorite things about Brooklyn these days?

Sarah: I definitely read this as ‘least,’ which means it’s getting too hot.

Bryan: Biking everywhere and the cemitas in my new neighborhood.

Ryan: The improvements to Brooklyn Bridge Park and the Lakeside Center in Prospect Park.

Other Brooklyn artists and bands you all adore?

Crazy Pills, Sharkmuffin, The Meaning Of Life, Beat Radio (technically Bellmore, NY, but close enough), Low Fat Getting High, Hunters, Bluffing, Highwaisted, Finding Fiction, Kid In The Attic, Hospitality, Chaos Chaos, Flying Pace, The Tablets, Clouder, Heliotropes, Desert Sharks, Palomar, Miniboone… this list could go on for a while!

What are you all listening to a lot lately?

Sarah: Cloud Nothings and Sharon van Etten.

Bryan: Liars, Casket Girls, Bruce Springsteen, and Marc Maron’s WTF podcast.

Ryan: Braid, Antlers, A Great Big Pile of Leaves, Owel, Nada Surf, The Promise Ring.

Mount Sharp’s Weird Fears EP will be available August 26 via YK Records and Bandcamp.