
Too drunk to function? Painted Zeros understands

Post Author: Jake Saunders
painted zeroes too drunk video

Robert Kolodny of the film collective, The House of Nod, has captured the oh too familiar drunk haze almost perfectly with the new Painted Zeros‘ video for their infectiously catchy song, “Too Drunk”. Its about that point in the night when we’re all just a little bit too fucked up to think or care about how we look, what we’re saying, or as the song suggests, how to function. The video is a wonderful sequence of slow motion shots of shit-faced, sweat-dripping kids jumping around and popping champagne in a condensation-filled basement, as Painted Zeros (who don’t look that sober themselves) kick out the jams.

Watching the video sober is reminiscent of being the person watching and laughing to yourself as the drunk idiots make fools of themselves. “Too Drunk” is a celebration of being that idiot, which I’m sure most of us have been before. The video features appearances from various Brooklyn bands and figures including members of LVL UP, Porches., Crying, and others.

“Too Drunk” is from Painted Zeros’ S V A L B A R D EP, which is available on their Bandcamp page.