
Pearl Lion, “Big Sky”

Post Author: Corinne Pachl
big sky

Jared Scharff, known for his excellent guitar playing on SNL, has joined ranks with Dan Huiting, cinematographer extraordinaire (Director of Bon Iver’s “Calgary;” Senior Producer of Pitchfork’s “City of Music”), to create the video masterpiece that is “Big Sky.”

Created specifically for the song by Scharff’s latest project, Pearl Lion, this video contains all original footage shot by Huiting in the Southwest.  Full of huge landscape shots from all over the place – the Bonneville salt flats, Utah; Zion National Park, Utah; Antelope Canyon in Page, Arizona; Joshua Tree National Park, Arizona; and the Mohave Desert, California.  All of the abandoned house footage is from around Route 66 in the depths of Texas.

The video really does complement the song; it matches the wide-open nature to the instrumental piece.  Poignant and immersive, it just shows that “Big Sky” is aptly named after all.

If you’d like to hear more from Pearl Lion, you’re in luck! His soundcloud page is available now, and later this year he will be releasing two mini-albums – Dark and Light – that will appear as two halves of a whole.  Light is to contain a much “lighter” soundscape – perhaps more atmospheric – than Dark, which will be very guitar-riff heavy.

You can find more from Dan Huiting on his website or at