
Physical Therapy, “Drone On (Feat. Jamie Krasner)”

Jamie Krasner, who we think is a talented artist in her own right, is the star of this music video that features her breathless singing. What can't she do? Decked out as a bride with mysterious intentions and white rollerblades, Jamie and Physical Therapy (a cowboy groom) search for each other in vast fields, meadows, and eastern new growth forest. The song's ethereal fairy-tale is reflected in the plotline, but also in Krasner's gothy white make-up. Physical Therapy's Drone On was released by Hippos in Tanks in June and you can catch him on tour with Mykki Blanco in Europe starting next week.

Aug 24 – Berlin – Import/Export *
Aug 25 – Zurich – Longstreet Bar / House of Mixed Emotions *
Sept 1 – Malmo – Gallery *
Sept 5 – Berlin – CTM festival *
Sept 6 – Portugal – ZDB *
Sept 7 – Luck PDF – London *
Sept 8 – Berlin – Cream Cake *
* With Mykki Blanco