
Premiere: BLUFFING, “Mind/Mood”

The Brooklyn duo BLUFFING's video for "Mind/Mood", off the bands upcoming Sugar Coated Pills of Wisdom mini-LP, is chock full of messy fun, a visually complimentary experience to the track's spritz of pop punk. Directed by William Stewart and Warren Lewis Allen, "Mind/Mood" is a collision of fetish gear, like ropes, leather, and lace, with an aggro-take on food porn. It starts off playful and suggestive, like a coy poem of juxtaposing delicacy and danger, but as the guitars shred so does a birthday cake to the teeth of a buzzsaw. It's the sort of act that redefines therapeutic.

BLUFFING's Olivia Drusin had the following to say on the video's direction:

Jon and I are both really interested in making BLUFFING as inclusive as possible, so we like to have our friends help out wherever and whenever they can. Willie [director William Stewart] and I go to an art school together in the East Village. I love how totally absurd the images in his photography and video work are, so I told him to run with whatever he felt like doing. On top of that we are good friends, so he was very familiar with the subject matter of the song. Since the song is pretty feminine, Willie and I decided that a more masculine video would compliment it well.

BLUFFING's Sugar Coated Pills of Wisdom is out March 25 on Papercup Music.