
Premiere: Fol Chen, “IOU”

Fol-Chen is an LA-based art collective, but for the "IOU" video director Chris Wilcha placed the camera on the cutie-pie cheeks and french braids of lead singer Sinosa Loa. If you're worried your eyes deceive you – yes, those are cat-eyed spandex.

Considering we're all in the twilight of our youth, things like rollerskates are viewed as dangerous and lead to un-insured hospital visits, so it came as a surprise those places still exist – didn't even replace the carpet! We thought they were all left vacant like the boarded up arcades haunted by the ghosts of formative memories. The "IOU" video lays the nostalgia on thick, with gummy worms, slushies, and of course, that one dude who can do sick tricks at the roller rink. There was always one and damn it, if he wasn't a thrill to watch.

Lastly whoever thought up the "Trios Only" deserves an award for making every teenage boy's wildest dreams come true, cruising around the rink with a girl in each arm. Man, where was that when we were sprouts?

Fol Chen's The False Alarms is out now on Asthmatic Kitty.

Director: Chris Wilcha
Producer: Michelle Currinder
Director of photography: David Morrison
Editor: Catherine Bull
Hair & Make up: Mynxii White
Stylist: Victor Jonas