
Premiere: Magmana, “Rabbit Holes”

Magmana returns with moving images of silhouettes, water, ice, and urban environments in the debut of their video for "Rabbit Holes". Joan Tick (ex-Phenomenal Handclap Band) and Caleb Lindskoog are shown as shadow images over an expanding universe, captured on film by Jason Tomme. Their piano-rhythm guitar emotion processional is treated to subtle displays of images between the sea and sky, where worlds and hues of blue provide back-lighting to Joan's sleepless lyrical dawning like, "early morning light is still blue from night."

The realms of the artificial and the natural are met together in the lyrical and visual bindings. Transportive vehicles from footsteps to freeways push ahead down the roads of time tested longings of love and patience, like the chorus song of "the world is getting bigger for those who wait." Here you watch the polar icecaps dissolve and melt into the boundless seas. Here in the intimate realms of Magmana, the sound of freeway passages are referenced in a simile like the pitter-patter of rain patterns and the rush-hour of running water streams. Like their previous singles "I'm Evil", and "Disco Ball"; Magmana brings us lingering feelings in a cold world of dubious and/or questionable permanence for those that wait.

Our friends Caleb and Joan take us for an exclusive tour of "Rabbit Holes", with the deepest sentiments found from subterranean tunnels.

What are the significance of "Rabbit Holes" and the expansion of earth like the lines, "the world is getting bigger"?

When your heart's been broken, or otherwise thrust into unexpected transition, your world is no longer the narrow scene you elegantly painted for yourself; instead, it becomes a vast, seemingly unchartable terrain. Generally, a reference to the largeness of the world provides us with a sense of openness to the future and its great possibilities, but in this case it's speaking to the smallness one feels when they are faced with going out in it newly alone. Dread with the good flame of innocence.

Are "Rabbit Holes" like some kind of stargate/slipgate kind of portal?

I'd say so. They are the often unforeseeable pathways back into a former version of yourself who also believes in happy endings, despite the odds. But these 'Rabbit Holes' do not restart the clock when you pass through them, which makes them especially dangerous. You go back to the beginning while time keeps ticking.

Perhaps a loose Lewis Caroll interpretation? Which are you all keener on, Through the Looking Glass or Adventures in Wonderland?

Haha. We love the idea of starting again in the same place, but dipped in snow the second time around. So maybe the latter.

Tell us a bit about the atmosphere worlds of silhouettes, ice glaciers, and oceanic visual adaptations.

The director, Jason Tomme, was interested in combining some retro stylings along with raw images of us in our present day environment. So for example, the silhouette profile shots were imagining a 60s or 70s type trope. The overlay of the colored water graphics also had this play of era in mind. It was important though, for him, that it didn't become too thematic. So maybe there was a subconscious attempt to evoke some type of time traveling. In general, he followed the mood of the song, and adapted that to the environment at hand: a one day shoot with some existing natural footage of the world where the viewers could glimpse an artificial sense of scale and time, not to mention the correlation between global warming and Caleb's guitar riffs.

Magmana's upcoming album, Fiend will be available later this Fall from Tacky Records.