
Premiere: Opossum, “Getaway Tonight”

Kody Nielson is the former frontman of The Mint Chicks, and his new project Opossum is a poppy delicacy straight from the mouth of the psychedelic teen canon. You can imagine his guitar up high, crooning into a microphone in front of screaming girls, but that's not what happens in this video; instead, he is in a clean room with a bunch of antiquated technology, being a space android. The image of the all-seeing eye is reflected everywhere; on screens, in his space helmet, and in the black hole itself.

Opossum's record Electric Hawaii is out August 7th on Fire Records and they are touring the US around CMJ time.

10/10 Los Angeles, CA – Echo
10/12 San Francisco, CA – Hotel Utah
10/14 Portland, OR – Bunk Bar
10/15 Seattle, WA – Sunset
10/17 Chicago, IL – Empty Bottle
10/18 CMJ
10/19 CMJ
10/20 CMJ
10/22 Philadelphia, PA – Kung Fu Necktie
10/23 Washington, DC – DC9
10/24 New York, NY – Pianos
10/25 Boston, MA – Great Scott
10/26 Toronto, ON – Parts & Labour