
Premiere: Soft Science, “Feel”

Katie Haley of Sacramento's Soft Science may sound like she's singing all sweetness and syrup in their track "Feel", but the opposite is in fact true. As she tells us, "The song 'Feel' is about a very scary and emotional time for me when in early 2011 my twins were born prematurely at 28 weeks. My girls were in the NICU for 5 months. There were many dark days with no guarantees that they were going to make it. Over a month after they were born I was finally able to hold them. Thankfully, all is well now, but it was a scary time that will stay with me the rest of my life. During this period, being able to continue to make music with Soft Science brought me much-needed solace.” In the psych-tinged fuzzy video, these challenges seem abstract, but real, as colors spin around Haley's soft voice.

The track "Feel" comes form Soft Science's upcoming Detour record, to release on Test Patterns on February 11.