
Ratking, “Piece of Shit”

When your bio includes kitchen interview sessions with legendary Manhattanites like Christine Choy and proclamations of being the next great New York band in lineage with The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and The Beastie Boys, you don't do a live performance session with an NYU student with an iPhone. Dutch photographer and student to Warhol, Ari Marcopoulos rounds up your crew in a tagged up, claustraphobic setting to create a "short film" based on your song.

Shot in Ratking's practice space on 16mm film, the live video for "Piece of Shit" captures the trio in a relaxed and familiar setting, but still able to pull together a passionate performance of one of their more heady cuts. Marcopoulos seems so enamored by Ratking's "Piece of Shit" that he's gone a step further, printing a limited edition zine of the same title that features 38 original film stills, screen grabs and photographs from his session. The Piece Of Shit zine documents Ratking's recording sessions with engineer Young Guru for their debut LP and rehearsing for their tour with the GZA. With only 150 copies printed, the zine can be purchased at the tour dates or through XL's online store, Dashwook Books, and Reed Space.

26 Brooklyn, NY – Glasslands *
27 Northampton, PA – Pearl Street ^
28 South Burlington, VT – Higher Ground ^
29 Providence, RI – Fete ^
5 Syracuse, NY – The Westcott Theater ^
6 Rochester, NY – Water Street Music Hall ^
7 Ithaca, NY – The Haunt ^

* = w/ Cities Aviv
^ = w/ GZA