
Rich Girls, “Loaded”

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

NYC-based garage/art rock three-piece Rich Girls – comprised of Luisa Black (guitar, vocals), August Churchill (guitar), and Gavin Haag (drums) – is revving up for their upcoming Love is The Dealer EP release. Once a moniker for Black’s solo project while living in London, these three have been playing together since opening for Courtney Barnett at Noise Pop in February 2014. Love is The Dealer will be the project’s third EP, and we’ve got the video premiere for their single “Loaded”.

Beginning with a couple walking away from each other in a huff, the video rewinds to that same spot, and then the two start doing some weird things. (Edging along a graffitied wall and doing improvisational interpretive dance isn’t weird to you at all? OK.) “I directed it and cast my husband Justin who’s also my ex-bandmate from The Blacks,” explains Black. “He’s a great dancer. On our first date ever we ended up at a party and we were dancing so hard he accidentally head-butted me. We both ended up with black eyes.” 

As funny as that anecdote is, we can only imagine the hilarity that ensued while creating the video for “Loaded”. We’re also slightly in love with the fact that they chose to shoot just their feet in part of it. We realize that as fun as the video may be, it’s also a discussion about an ending relationship, and how things will take their course no matter how you approach them.

Love is The Dealer is out September 23rd. It is available for preorder now. Rich Girls will be playing Mondo Festival September 17th, and tickets are available here.