
Roomrunner, “Wojtek”

For anyone who has stumbled downstairs after hours spent unable to sleep only to do so in the recliner while mindlessly staring at an infomercial for the latest technology in window cleaning, the video to Roomrunner’s newest track “Wojtek,” might be what your dream consisted of that night. The video, directed by Pete Binswanger, takes the best (or worst) of late night television blending infomercials, cooking shows, made-for-TV kung-fu, and Baywatch spin-offs, and combines then into one basic-cable nightmare. But the disjointed satirical video (featuring Pai Mei from Kill Bill) may just be the perfect accompaniment to the music of Roomrunner. As tangential as the video is, the punk quartet takes elements of traditional punk and blends it with early emo and 2000’s pop-punk golden days.

The song is from Roomrunners new album Ideal Cities, out now on Fan Death Records.