
Rooms, “Stars Beyond”

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Sydney’s electronic duo Rooms has just released the music video for their single “Stars Beyond”. The music video itself is a short film, addressing the multi-faceted situation – and commonly under-represented and taboo topic – of falling out of love. Director Rory Pearson has weaved his movie-making magic in perfectly with the ebbs and flows of the track, being sure to include heart-breaking shots in a montage of love and loss. It’s a touching tribute to human emotion, and we are floored by it.

“I feel that when a relationship ends you tend to have a very real and vivid memory of the good times shared with your partner,” explains Pearson. “Their smell, their smile, their laugh. Kind of like a highlights reel that omits the bad stuff, as though your mind is playing tricks on you. The idea of a sense of shared memory between you and your partner becomes somewhat corrupted or lost in the process. I wanted to convey this by having our lead’s memories of her partner degrade.”

“Stars Beyond” is available now from iTunesSpotify and Soundcloud.