
Slow Dakota, “I Am Held Together”

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Slow Dakota – the moniker for multi-instrumentalist and vocalist PJ Sauerteig’s project – might be classified as a mix of pop, progressive rock, and post-classical, but there’s no denying that his project is 100% killin’ it. We’ve got the exclusive premiere for his new music video for his single “I Am Held Together”, which was the third single from the 2016 The Ascension of Slow Dakota LP.

Shot on the Barnard College campus in New York in what looks to be the dead of winter (Although, who am I?), the video features three of the school’s current dancers. Directed and filmed by Sahil Ansari – who also produced Slow Dakota’s album – the video boasts his talents, as it is absolutely magnificent. Slow motion shots of the dancers cutting to shots of PJ – centered in the frame – singing in a strangely lit room directly at the camera. Gentle to an almost fragile extent, the moves the dancers display match the melancholic nature of the song, as it explores depression, and the idea of being a whole human being. As the track climaxes in a cacophony of sound (organ, stadium drums, piano, and traditional Japanese flute included), all three dancers are pictured.

No longer alone.

The Ascension of Slow Dakota is available now.