
Space Raft, “Hang On Hang On”

Post Author: Amelia Pitcherella
Space Raft Hang On

Milwaukee’s Space Raft push forth a sound that’s pure loud rock and roll, the kind that would fit comfortably on the shelf with with ’60s and ’70s psychedelic and classic rock favorites. On last month’s sophomore album Rubicon, the four-piece ride out huge waves of organ and fiery guitar riffs, sometimes with a fervor, sometimes with a patient, steady temperament.

“Hang On Hang On” is at the crossroads between patience and fervor, a supercharged reminder to breathe and keep it together. Over the roll of big drums and the bright pulse of the guitar-organ combo, the vocal harmonies hit a timbre that hearkens to Chris Bell’s Big Star contributions. “You seem to lose yourself so easily,” they admit, following with the simple but strong counsel, “You better hang on.” Space Raft have curated an interactive experience where you can rotate 360 degrees to view the whole band’s live performance of the song, and it’s riveting and uplifting—everyone in the room is grooving. With a cozy dancefloor setting complete with lava lamps and balloons, we might as well be whisked back to the ’70s.

Rubicon is out now on Dusty Medical Records.