
Watch Space Wolves perform on Chic-a-Go-Go

Post Author: Derek Evers
Space Wolves

Ah, public access television. All of your quirks and poor acting belie the effort and care of those creating programs for the few hundred people who may be watching. Thus the beauty of the longstanding kids dance program Chic-a-Go-Go, whose hosts Ratso (the puppet) and Miss Mia (the human) don’t even care if someone’s head walks through their shot while introducing Buffalo’s Space Wolves to the program. As those of us at Impose know all-too-well, Space Wolves are the perfect band to play a kids dance show—check out those moves! That said, in a recent Facebook post, frontman Nicholas Reynolds admitted the band was awake for roughly 60 hours straight and that the shoot, “Happened around hour 40. Nothing makes sense at hour 40.” Maybe they shouldn’t have been allowed to dance so close to the children in such a sleep-deprived state.