
Sun Club, “Cheeba Swiftkick”

Finding a creative outlet for all the refined sugar-buzzed energy of their Dad Claps at the Mom Prom EP from Goodnight Records, Sun Club debuts the video for "Cheeba Swiftkick" in a wacky animal kingdom battle of boys versus girls. We got the scoop direct from the 'Club's Shane Justice McCord back in January about Baltimore's bold and bright new band, and today they present a video made by Leland Malinksi to match the hysteria of their beloved single with a display of cartoon quality histrionics.

As "Cheeba Swiftkick" begins with a bang we are treated to Sun Club dressed like foxes, skunks, bears, raccoons, and overall vagabonds. Fun times spent running, scampering, and crapping about the forest are had in accordance to the fast action of the song as the band cooks up some trouble. With everyone jumping in and out of every other frame of film, makeshift baseball matches ensue, while Adam Shane's bear character picks up quite the honey guzzling habit in the process. As things spiral out of a control all around, games of leap frog, and tag stumble clumsily upon a rival girls club coven of animals, where slapstick-fisticuffs, and frantic follies meet an animated roadkill fate. From the hyper and happy clash of species, sexes, and silliness; Sun Club continues to be another reason why we continue to love our Baltimore artists and movements even more.

Joining up with us again since their release of Dad Claps at the Mom Prom, we were able to get a whole roundtable dialogue going with Sun Club's Shane Justice McCord, Devin McCord, Adam Shane, Albert Johnson, and Mikey Powers.

How did you go about adapting "Cheeba Swiftkick" into the video?

Shane: We wanted something super super fun and energetic/youthful. we had filmed another video and it was an amazing production it just didn’t capture the playfulness of our band, so we rethought the idea. We originally were just going to be breaking stuff and causing trouble, but eventually decided to just be doing playful, fun, kid activities (like leap frog and baseball). We’re super happy with the way it turned out.

How was it working with Leland Malinski?

Mikey: Leland is an incredible artist. Super creative and helped turn out childish pointless idea into a substantial video. We’ve worked together twice now and both times it has been amazing and both videos he has made have been super super perfect and captured our youthful energy.

Shane: It was also the coldest day in the entire world and we started at 8am, where my feet were 100% numb. By noon it was in the 20’s and felt like it was in the 70’s. But Leland was a beast and powered through the whole day.

Where did the whole battling animal-suit thing come from?

Albert: It recreated childhood, like the costumes our moms made us when we were kids. It keeps things less serious, which is great because we don’t take ourselves too seriously, and this video captures that with the animal suits. The battling came up because we wanted to make a super mess and have blood and kind of be ridiculous.

Adam: We wanted to have it be silly so we decided that we would get beat up by others in the same costumes.

Devon: Also when we were kids we were all afraid of girls…

Other videos in the works?

Shane: Not currently but when we get home we have some ridiculous ideas and they all incorporate summer, so we will definitely be recording some more very soon!

Other Sun Club Recordings in the works?

Shane: We’re writing tons of music right now and making some demos of some songs. We’re holding out until we’re done with the full length to release anything, but that will hopefully be within the next year!

Sun Club's Dad Claps at the Mom Prom EP is available now from Goodnight Records and iTunes.

Catch them on any of the following shows:

23 Baltimore, MD – Metro Gallery with Total Slacker
25 Annandale-on-Hudson, NY – Bard College
26 Bronxville, NY – Sarah Lawrence College with Mac Demarco
27 Baltimore, MD – John Hopkins University
30 Brooklyn, NY – Babies All Right with Saint Rich

02 Baltimore, MD – MICA
11 Baltimore, MD – Rams Head Live with Bad Suns & Skaters
18 Brooklyn, NY – School Night at Brooklyn Bowl with High Highs and Grizfolk

09 Washington DC- Rock n Roll Hotel with Cayucas and Papa
10 Philadelphia, PA – Boot and Saddle with Cayucas and Papa
12 Cleveland, OH – The Grog Shop with Cayucas

16 Annapolis, MD – Silopanna Festival

04-06 Raleigh, NC – Hopscotch Music Festival