
Tijuana Panthers, “Cherry Street”

Tijuana Panthers' latest LP Wayne Interest will be made available for worldwide aural consumption June 3 via Innovative Leisure, but it will be difficult to top the greatness that is the recently-released video for lead single "Cherry Street", which features the Panthers trying to solve some sort of ambiguous donuts-and-coffee-based crime. The song is a SoCal indie driver of the highest ilk, perfectly complementing the fast-paced, hard-hitting style of detective work showcased throughout the video, which features donuts threaded on the barrel of a pistol, a powdered donut getting dusted for prints, a cream-filled donut getting fist-smashed, and more, all in the name of swift, coffee-fueled justice. Just like the REAL cops do.

Wayne Interest is Tijuana Panthers' second full-length album for Innovative Leisure, following last year's Semi-Sweet. It's their first working with Richard Swift, however, the producer and musician who's recently worked with the likes of Foxygen, Damien Jurado, and more.