
WISH, “All The Time”

Post Author: Sjimon Gompers

From the Toronto scenes that have given you the likes of Milk Lines, Breeze, Beliefs, Decades, Decades, Lobby, etc., WISH present some carefree times at the carnival in the grand debut of their music video for, “All The Time”, directed by Scarlett Rose. Following up the Henry Sansom and James Mejia videos for “Retro Grade” that offered specialized individual screen test versions featuring members Kyle Connolly, Peter Gosling, Emily Bitze, and Josh Korody, WISH’s Hand Drawn Dracula self-titled is brought further to life via a summer evening spent with friends at the fair. Scarlett Rose’s video catches Kyle, Peter, Emily, and Josh performing within the multiple kaleidoscopic frames, combining the illumination from the neon bathed carnival attractions with the low-lit glow of stage lights.

WISH’s issues with time, both in mind and out, continue from the opening video tape effects that trip up the chromatic schemes of the rides, snack booths, and rigged games of chance. Rose’s video alternates between the feel of following around WISH between all the various portable-portals of exhilaration, fun times through the fun house-like effects, and performance captures from Toronto’s own The Silver Dollar Room. Mixing the theme park style entertainment with the way “All The Time” savors the best feelings that one hopes to last for all time, the live shots of WISH and scenes from the annual Canadian National Exhibition create that euphoric spinning feel of watching a wonderful world turn all around you. And though the CNE won’t return until summer 2015, WISH and Scarlett offer up a time capsule to experience the warm evening excitement and amusement all year round.

WISH’s self-titled is available now from Hand Drawn Dracula.