
Asthmatic Kitty's Unusual Animals hitting its third city

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Scott Grow – Quietly Waiting

Indianapolis, Indiana, will play host to Unusual Animals, an Asthmatic Kitty event that's already gone down in Brooklyn and Austin. The Indianapolis show, to be held on August 3 at the Harrison Center for the Arts will feature the curated choices of Future Rapper, an Asthmatic employee/artist with an album called Land of a Thousand Rappers – Vol 1: Fall of the Pillars on August 7 that's already garnered a positive review, despite any signs of a MySpace page. How'd they do that? Looking forward to hearing what the label site calls “a thickly layered avant hip hop album that integrates the vernacular of email spam with classic mythological themes of friendship, betrayal, and colony collapse disorder.”

The party/event looks to be the biggest and strangest yet. Quote:

“Artists include Greg Ajamie, Elizabeth Sparrow Boring, Scott Grow, Cindy Hinant, Kyle Ragsdale, Casey Roberts, and SPPR. Future Rapper has chosen to feature pieces by these artists that emphasize bulbous abstraction and bold color, ones that draw out certain aspects of the visuals in such a way that unifies seemingly disparate forms of art.

Big Car Gallery will present “I am another you,” featuring live surrealist theater and music.

Future Rapper, also known as Michael Kaufmann, A&R for Asthmatic Kitty Records, will present a PowerPoint lecture on temporal collapse.”

Kyle Ragsdale – New For Spring, Islands In Terre Haute

Performances by Actuel/Paren (hip-hop/free jazz infused electronica), Bronze Float and Pope Whiter.