Drome, “Ham In A Wig”
Making sense of a song title like “Ham in a Wig” is about as futile as labeling the disjointed construction
Making sense of a song title like “Ham in a Wig” is about as futile as labeling the disjointed construction
A certain melancholy lies in states of perpetual sleepiness, known all too well by Brooklyn romantics Hypoluxo, who use this
The categorization of an artist is often of greater concern to them than their output, caring more about being able
The first really hot days of the year bring with them a certain psychology of self-preservation, a mode of inactivity
In a climate of artificial rhythm sections and autotune, the lost sound of an older generation of songwriting, particularly that
The way we are perceived by others is often of greater importance to us than who we are behind closed
For many, living in a city means having an apartment but never finding yourself there, simply because there’s so much
The same way that destination cities seem to trend for travel, the artistic output of certain cities sometimes flows in
The ability to inject a mesmerizing dance rhythm and an alluring glam-melody with a weight that borders on profundity is
A meeting of gorgeous, untouched scenery and outlandish cartooned hallucinations map out a perfect visual accompaniment to Pill’s new track,
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