
Videodrone: Secret Colors, “Higher Views”

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Liquefied magic land happy time beauty. All wrapped up into a bundle of pure joy that lasts for about eight and a half minutes. And this is just the sampler. A new tape from Seattle's Secret Colors is out now on Bridgetown, and this little preview promises more effervescent, bouyant mixes of effects-laden guitars, synths, and found-sounds, meticulously mapped out into relaxing journeys you can drift right along with. And oh, if only all of life's little journeys looked and sounded like this… How I wish I parasailed my way through the days, or hopped a rail-slide on the way to work, especially whilst tripping heavily on acid. Even something as simple as a stroll down the sidewalk is just so much cooler through Secret Colors' warped and whimsical lens. Ah well, at least this gets us close.

Matt Lawson is the name of the dude who does this stuff, music and visuals. Last year, he quietly released “Confusion Control,” one of 2011's most heinously overlooked records via one of the world's most heinously overlooked labels, Debacle. I guess that's neither here nor there at this juncture, now is it? The point is, Secret Colors has more. And we rejoice.