
Cats Hate Cops, The Height of Zine Culture

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Cats hate cops.  It’s true.  You can see it in their eyes.  Cats are gods.  They slink across the Earth murdering indiscriminately, answering to no master but themselves, no gods but Bast; total selfish bastards.

Cops hate cats.  It’s true.  You can see it in their eyes.  Cats are too free.  They slink across the earth tails making furtive movements, answering to no master but themselves, no gods but their hungry stomachs.  Anarchist punks forming their own collectives and family units, free of state control, making their own rules.

Cats Hate Cops
When these two clash, it’s rarely pretty.  Luckily cats have been click bait since writing was invented, so whenever these two natural enemies met it’s been documented in the pages of newspapers (you know the Grey Lady had a thing for tabbies).  Radical zine collective Research and Destroy has combed through well over a century archival material and created the height of the zine form, Cats Hate Cops.

Cats Hate Cops is 62 pages of xeroxed newspaper articles of cats attacking cops.  The cover is kind of difficult to make out but it’s a cat on its back, mauling a cop car while someone holding a map stands in a phone booth. You can see from the images that it’s essentially clippings exploded to half of a sheet of A5 paper.

Cats Hate Cops Inside flap rear with suffrage parody
Cats Hate Cops Inside flap rear with suffrage parody

Every page is fascinating.  There are a number of articles of cats with rabies / hydrophobia attacking people before the constabulary are called to dispatch the foul beast, there are tales of cops shooting cats (one where a cop needs five bullets and suffers mockery at the hands of the gathered children for his inability to kill the cat), tales of cats attacking a mayor, cops attacked by cats when they go to serve writs on crazy cat ladies.  When the stories on the page aren’t about cats attacking cops, there’s stories of cats and hens forming socialist collectives, packs of wild cats stealing janitor’s dinners on 80th St, and even the incidental stuff is amazing.

Look, I don’t know why you’re still reading this.  Just go fucking buy the hell out of this zine.  The Buy link at Research and Destroy’s website goes to Brown Recluse Distro, but if you’re impatient Printed Matter may have it on hand.

Cats Hate Cops