
Favorite Books of 2011

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When choosing favorites, some get left out, some are never known, some are never realized, some are listed below.

Family Fang by Kevin Wilson
Stand alone snapshots that do not stand alone; instead they make the funniest photo album.

The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach
Fleet footed and captivating against all of my efforts.

Gospel of Anarchy by Justin Taylor
Viewpoints that equal more than a whole & create transcendence in the only way anarcho-punk spiritualists can.

Ten Thousand Saints by Eleanor Henderson
Some of the particulars may be off, but henderson makes each character count.

Selected Blog Posts of a Mexican Panda Express Employee by Megan Boyle

Zone One by Colson Whitehead
Genre bender bender.

Stories V! by Scott McClanahan
Surprised on almost every page.

Best Behavior by Noah Cicero
Not really sure why, but I really liked this.