Lit Randomness: Famous writers are poor, Tao Lin, How not to title a novel

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I was in DC this past weekend and hit a few bookstores. This fostered a new resolution: buy a book, give away or sell a book. I'm keeping the amount static for now. We'll see how long that lasts.

Don't know who Lisa See is, but she sells a lot of books: At Jacket Copy.

All famous, important writers were poor: At Lapham's Quarterly.

The first 'sh**storm' of 2010: At HTML Giant. And they're making Tao Lin's book into a movie.

Interview with Charles Bernstein: At Bomb.

How not to title a novel: At The Guardian.

Interview with Zachary Mason, author of The Lost Books of the Odyssey: At Too Many Books In The Kitchen.

Cooking the books with Sam Lipsyte and Ceridwen Morris: At The Awl.