
What to read right now X

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It's baseball and the time of eating hotdogs or maybe you don't like sports and you're now letting your dog run free.

Well, no matter your past time, we got something for you.

“My Boyfriend Del” by Lindsay Hunter @ Annalemma. Need to read more Lindsay Hunter. Need to read more Annalemma. Here's a story that may involve some regurgitation.

You remember when we met? I ask him. He’s playing with the radio, a
preacher shouting a woman moaning an old hillbilly crooning the news the
weather the traffic. Yeah, he says, you was in the library same as me.
He goes rigid, then a machine-gun fart rat-a-tats out from him and he
relaxes. Scuse me, he says.

“Two Baseball Atrocities” by John Dermot Woods @ Hobart. It's never been easy to be an Orioles fan. All down hill since Roberto Alomar's big contract. Hobart has their big fat & tasty Baseball Issue out now.

She was indeed found dead, her body still in a sitting position and the
television still turned on, and tuned to the Orioles game when the
police entered the house. In her fingers, she clutched a soft and worn
Orioles cap.

What this world needs is just one more funny dog video. “Dog Videos I'd Like To See On The Internet” by Heather Monley @ McSweeneys.

I want to see dogs packing Conestoga wagons
and setting out west, dogs homesteading, dogs committing atrocities,
dogs realizing that atrocities have been committed and taking
precautions to ensure that the same atrocities are not committed
again. Dogs drafting the Magna Carta. Dogs developing a new, more
advanced optical disk storage media format.