
Black Friday video madness

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Black cat scratching santa

Like Tim Tebow playing QB, by now you're either for the idea of Black Friday or you cast a cloud of anger-filled resentment towards even the slightest notion. We here at Impose could care less, because we've never gone shopping on Black Friday. To quote our founder, “Unless it's the antidote for the poison I just swallowed, I want you all to know there will never, EVER be something I need at a fucking Walmart that you should risk your lives for.”

Unfortunately, not everyone is so deliberate in their assessment of the “holiday”, and feel the need to run with — and maybe stampede over — herds of people in order to get that TV at a store who just raised the price of it yesterday to tell you it's 50% off today. In fact, herd mentality is only one of the appropriate animalistic metaphors you could use. So watch these videos in horror, or excitement, or disgust, or whatever you're feeling this Black Friday. And if you're watching it from a computer you just bought at a Black Friday sale, you win.