
Fits Split EP W/ Yes Yes A Thousand Times Yes

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Fits is an extremely talented foursome made up of Nicholas Cummins (guitars/vocals), Brian Orante (drums), Emma Witmer, and Joe Galarraga. They’re a new band, and they’ve just put out a split EP with Yes Yes A Thousand Times. There are 3 tracks from Fits on that EP, titled “Crush”, “Wool Coat”, and “Why Did U @ Me”. We took a listen to give you a little summary of what to expect.

First on the EP is “Crush”. This track is only 51 seconds long and starts at full force right off the bat as they sing, “I’ve got a crush on you.” The track is face paced and the wall of sound pushes on until the very end, when it fades.

The next track is “Wool Coat”, standing at a minute and 33 seconds long. This track doesn’t let things slow down, the fast tempo continues on. The track feels sporadic and slightly hectic and disorganized, but in a way that makes the tune make sense. This track is fun with high energy from start to finish.

The last Fits track is “Why Did U @ Me”, and the tempo continues to race forward. This track is a minute and 1 second long. The vocals drop out half way through the song and the spotlight is completely on the instrumentals. The drums and guitar jam out and create an awesome duet, and it’s over before you know it, leaving you wanting more.

Fits plays at Silent Barn with Shopping on August 8th, and at The Knitting Factory on September 19th.