
Marineros, “Torbellino”

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Marineros is a band made up of two awesome Chilean ladies, Constanza Espina and Soledad Puentes. They’re no strangers to the spotlight – their music is gaining a lot of momentum in Chile, and they’ve also played in the states at events such as Lollapalooza, as well as large venues in Santiago. They’ve just released their latest single, called “Torbellino.”

I feel like I should preface this by saying that I don’t know much Spanish. And by that, I mean that two years of high school Spanish classes has only taught me how to say hello, and ask if I can go to the bathroom. That being said, I didn’t understand a word of this song, seeing that it’s completely in Spanish. However, you don’t need to understand the language to like a song! For starters, the ladies of Marineros have voices that are one of a kind. Their sound is clear and crisp while still retaining a dreamy, existential quality to it. This track has a laid back feel to it, like it would be the perfect song to play in the car while you’re cruising. There are so many layers of sound, yet the piece still remains to sound feathery light somehow. The melody is catchy and will surely put anyone in a good mood.

Keep up with Marineros in your free time.