
September's Most Average Moments

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For months, it's felt like we've been anticipating the birth of a monster, or at the very least, a mildly nuanced, literate version of a Muppet Baby. Whether the arrival of Nothing Was The Same was being accompanied by thinkpieces about postpartum depression or set up for us in GIFs or worse yet, expressed through a pre-anticipatory trend-watch over at The Grey Lady, no matter if we liked it or not, Drake's third album delivered what it promised—a change that wasn't just driven by moon cycles and tectonic shifts. I've heard it said that the one constant in life is change, and Drake has attempted to shake up a lot in his third outing, which is a strange accomplishment to undergo as our government shuts down and the Impose fantasy league takes off. Needless to say, whether you are changed forever, or changed not at all, September was a helluva month—and it's beginning to make us think that really nothing can ever be the same. (Or can it? Because history repeats itself and is by and large a social construct? And life is more or less meaningless when it comes down to the true brass tacks? No? Okay.)