
The Best Labels of 2013

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The Best Labels of 2013

If you happened to listen to music this year, pat yourself on the back. If you happened to purchase music this year, give yourself a double-pat. Pat pat. And hey, man, if you got to know the labels that have been consistently proving that being a small label with big dreams can really bring great music, fascinating releases, and nice packages to your quaint, suburban doorstep, then you deserve a fucking medal. After all, there would be no music for your ears if these curators weren't finding a way to invest in beautiful art and put it to plastic, wax, or wav—whichever mode you prefer (though, wav? come on). We all had that one friend who really “knew music” when we were growing up, and these labels aren't far off. Just imagine yourself in a grimy basement with wood-panneled walls, vibing out with them, as they tell you that “this shit will change you.”

It will, trust us.