
The Most Average Moments of October 2014

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Good news? What’s that?

October was one big haunted house of bad news lurking around every corner and under every crazed medical doctor’s operating gurney, ready to spring from hiding and cause us nothing but anguish. We wrote too many Say Goodbye pieces this month. October 2014 meant the end of Ted Nguyent, Dirty Beaches, and Crystal Castles. We were in a perpetual state of au revoir with Williamsburg and with the closing of Glasslands, it’s time to enter the adieu phase—in layman’s that translates to a phrase used when shoveling the last of the dirt onto a fresh grave.

Billy Corgan is beefing with Anderson Cooper. Snoop is dissing Iggy Azalea. Harvest Records is trolling our Eh Hall of Famer. Taylor Swift has managed to be worse than white people at brunch and Brooklyn is fuggin’ over. And yet, we keep on shruggin’ it all off because tomorrow we’ll share a list of great albums released in October. C’est la fucking vie.