
Dwayne Carter pretends to get hot

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“Mrs. Officer” has boobs. Lil' Wayne tries to seem intrigued.

I thought “Mrs. Officer” was one of the cleverest subjects on Lil Wane's Carter III, considering hip hop's by now cliched habit of spitting vitriol towards cops (not without reason, etc. etc. etc.). To have a love song towards one seemed like the 180° turn no one else could have shot out of his or her ass with such irreverent ease.

It's made doubly funny by the fact that Dwayne Carter seems to be about as turned on by the buxom cop in the body suit as he'd be by a moose with a bikini on: amused, and slightly worried the thing might smother him. We're not playing the is-Wayne-gay game, just saying… you decide.