
Week in Pop: Exit Someone, Girl Scout, Treatment

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yuzima week in pop 1
Keeping up with our old friend YUZIMA in the post-election fallout, we present you the latest offering from NYC’s noise king with “Resist” that offers up some civil disobedience served with a cold slice of dissonance. Employing an arsenal of echoes & a melodic sort of clamor; the message to stand tall in the face of adversity rings with the righteous ferocity of dreams carried over from the calm of night to realizations of the new day.
Yuzima introduced the single to us with the following exclusive insights:

On election day the country split and a wall rose up, not along the border of Mexico but down the middle of the nation’s soul. Millions of people voted against hate. Even going into office the majority of Americans that held their nose at the voting booths don’t approve of this administration. Our nation experienced collectively the injustice of the electoral college —a vestige of slavery which gives oversize influence to former slave states with high white populations. We need to operate in the arts with the power of righteousness. We must sustain our hard-fought progress and not bend to ignorance, racism, bigotry, fascism, and homophobia. This will require an offensive at every level, not just polite objection. Musicians and artists of all mediums must remain loudly vigilant and RESIST!