
Week in Pop: Exit Someone, Girl Scout, Treatment

Post Author:

Lea Thomas

The latest from Lea Thomas; press photo courtesy of the artist.
The latest from Lea Thomas; press photo courtesy of the artist.

Maui by Brooklyn’s Lea Thomas presented us a listen to her just released Tacky Records album Want For Nothing that features intimate sentiments that are examined in up close manners & musical reflections. The opening track “Up Close” examines all under the microscope, as the title track ponders the futility of desires, and inquiries of human direction & belonging on “Blood is in the Heart”, with muses on the placement & happenstance of moments & events that leave indelible stains on memory with “Timing”. Meditations on forces of nature are heard on “Phenomena”, doting on nuptials with the elements on “Marry the Weather”, center frame focuses of visions with “Between the Eyes”, that closes with a benediction that rejects gender roles with slow burning curtain closer, “Woman”. Lea creates a soundtrack for our winter cabin fever to meditate further on those lesser observed places of the heart & consciousness.