
Week in Pop: Baseball Gregg, Future Twin, Versing

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Baseball Gregg

Baseball Gregg in Liguria, Mediterranean Sea, August 2016; photograph courtesy of the artists.
Baseball Gregg in Liguria, Mediterranean Sea, August 2016; photograph courtesy of the artists.

Stockton by way of Italy duo Baseball Gregg captured the hearts of many with their beautiful debut album Vacation released via Italo DIY imprint La Barberia Records & today present the world premiere for “Burn Up” made by label mate Setti. A gift presented as the MLB moves into the post-season, Baseball Gregg’s own unique & mystic sound is here taken to the mystic chapters of Italy’s Sasso Marconi, filmed this past August 23 where BG’s own Sam Regan & Luca Lovisetto are joined by a regal entourage of Stefania Corneti, Angelica D’Oro, Claudia Magnapera, Bianka Maliku & Luca Nigro that embark upon a royal vacation of their own. Baseball Gregg’s own glorious sound here is taken to a time & place that is all their own where beauty & weirdness abounds in abundance.

“Burn Up” takes us to the magical land of Sasso Marconi where Luca Lovisetto plays the ruling king & Baseball Gregg creative partner Samuel Regan is seen as the sacrificial lamb tied to the stake in Joan of Arc fashion where his “let me burn up” titular chorus request is sung by the accompanying subjects & villagers. Lovisetto is decked out with a gold crown and purple cape where he parades Regan around the local surroundings to his last stand where the drama & illustrious sophistication of the song shines through in mythic proportions. Amid a bucolic surrounding; Sam, Luca & their attending ensemble gather as if for a mystical event that involves cryptic & interpretive dance numbers that are performed in conjunction with the earnest & sentimental arrangements that continue to charm long after the song & video ends. And although “Burn Up” warms the entirety of the self like the heat from warm hearth on the fire, Baseball Gregg will shock & stun with a surprise ending that you got to see to believe.

Baseball Gregg’s Luca & Sam with “Burn Up” director/artist Setti took the time to share the following exclusive reflections on the making of their new video & more:

Setti the director; press photo courtesy of the auteur.
Setti the director; press photo courtesy of the auteur.


I met Baseball Gregg because we are on the same label, La Barberia Records, and since then we’ve become friends. In my opinion, their album “Vacation” is one of the most beautiful albums of 2016, and one of my favorite songs from the album is “Burn Up.” One day while I was listening to it, I had this rough idea for a nightmare inspired by Scandinavian cinema. We filmed this nightmare with a small handheld camera with very little post-production. The lips don’t line up perfectly and it looks like a b-musical. The final result seems is interesting to me because if translates the sophisti-pop of Baseball Gregg that, for me, is ironic and tragic at the same time, both lo-fi and glossy. Just like all the best things. I also knew that filming it in Sasso Marconi, where Luca Lovisetto was born and where the radio was invented, I would have a lot of fun, and I did.

Baseball Gregg seen here rehearsing in Bolognina, August 2016; photographed by Giacomo Manghi.
Baseball Gregg seen here rehearsing in Bolognina, August 2016; photographed by Giacomo Manghi.


Setti is a DIY creative genius. He effortlessly masters multiple arts and constantly crafts beautiful contemporary art items. We’ve been very lucky to be in the same label with such a talented artist. We are also planning to do a double featuring with him in the next months: he will write and sing a verse in our upcoming EP, and I’ll guest shred in a song of his next record.

The Baseball Gregg boys brushing their teeth, Italy, Summer 2016; photographed by Margherita Filippin.
The Baseball Gregg boys brushing their teeth, Italy, Summer 2016; photographed by Margherita Filippin.


I don’t live in Italy, and so I had only met Setti a few days before we shot this video. I can be pretty shy and normally it takes me a while to warm up to people, but Setti was so nice and cool that I felt instantly comfortable and was excited to let him direct this video. I’m glad he did because it turned out really great!

Baseball Gregg’s debut album Vacation is available now from La Barberia Records.