
Al Lover & The Haters

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Al Lover & the Haters

Al Lover has mutated once again, but we should have seen this coming. It's the inevitable transformation many beatmakers go through – getting a band. Producers can't seem to help themselves when it comes to aspirations to take their sound to the next level. They get this wild hair that pushing buttons is not enough.

In most cases, this is the point in which we Say Goodbye, but Al Lover's band, The Haters, is an exception to the shark jumping rule. It's pleasantly difficult to dissociate Al Lover's work with the Haters from his solo bedroom beat science. It's still acid washed, boozy boom bap and it is still a head nod experience. There's no session musician cleanliness that poisons the hip hop well when live instrumentation shows up to party. The Haters bring a keg spiked with acid. We approve.

Get the Ballin' Chains & B-Movies maxi-single for free until March 25.

Al Lover & The Haters are playing the Imposition Thursday night.