
Impose & Infinity Cat present #DustOffYourWalkman

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Last year Infinity Cat launched a subscription-based and Casey Weissbuch of Diarrhea Planet-curated cassette series featuring tapes from Milk Dick, Music Band, Left & Right, The Spanish Candles, and Guerilla Toss. The series has long been sold out, or so we were told.

Apparently six cassettes, one from each band in the series, were underneath D. Boone, the super-loungey mascot of Infinity Cat. Now unearthed from beneath the fur curtain, D. Boone and Infinity Cat have decided to give the cassettes, plus a cassette of JEFF The Brotherhood’s Wasted On The Dream, away in an Instagram contest entitled #DustOffYourWalkman.

The rules are simple:

Take a picture of your favorite tape in your collection, maybe include your cat or a stray cat* even, and post it to Instagram with: #DustOffYourWalkman. Tag both @imposemagazine and @infinitycat so that we’ll see it.

Entries will be considered until Wednesday, June 17 at 12 am. The winner will be announced on Thursday June 18. Don’t forget to set your profile to public briefly so that you can be contacted.


*Entries that feature cats will not be treated as “better” than entries that do not. Also we will know if you hired a professional cat to appear in your Instagram.

Infinity Cat ‘grammed the following examples to help spark your creative photo skills:

The winner will receive:
Music Band’s Can I Live
Guerilla Toss’ 467 Equalizer
The Spanish Candles’ Triple Date In Paradise
Left & Right’s Five Year Plan
Milk Dick’s Romantic Superstore
Rozwell Kid’s Good Graphics
JEFF the Brotherhood’s Wasted On The Dream