
New headphones can read your brainwaves

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Developments in music technology always surprise me because the method by which I listen to music largely hasn't changed over the years. The one thing I've always dreamed of, however, is for those times when I'm feeling lazy and unsure of what to listen to, is for someone else to decide. Hiring a personal DJ never seemed practical financially. Well, thanks to the intrepid engineers who are constantly reading my mind, I guess I can begin to live the dream.

After debuting at SxSW, headphones marketed under the name Mico by Neurowear, are starting to gain some steam. Ostensibly, these oversized headphones can read the patterns of your brainwaves and, while connecting to an app on a smartphone, they can determine what mood you're in and what song would fit with that mood. I remember reading once that when you're studying or writing a paper, classical music is the best music choice because the patterns of symphonies often mimic the patterns in our brainwaves while we try to retain information. This model seems to springboard off of that idea. Though the headphones aren't on the market yet and are still in the prototype stage, you can watch a short clip of a woman trying them out below.

It's unclear what app they're connecting to in order to find the right song, but let's hope the database is endless and features a lot of Bob Seger.