
What One of My Favorite Writers Is Wearing

Post Author:
Mira Gonzalez

I have read Mira's book of poetry, I Will Never Be Beautiful Enough to Make Us Beautiful Together, countless times and follow her religiously on Twitter. Mira is the type of author that it is easy to become obsessed with. Her constant social media presence provides plenty of content and insight, almost like going through a friend's iMessages. Her writing is honest and personal, and she manages to be relateable while also providing imagery that feels fresh and beautiful.

I talked with Mira about her style over email while she is (temporarily, I think) in LA from New York. She provided me with an array of Macbook self portraits showing off several outfits.

“I have a hard time telling the difference between dresses and really big shirts. I have neck problems because I wear too many necklaces. Every time I go shopping I assume I'm a men's size XL. I own exactly 1 bra and 1 pair of pants. I haven't done laundry in a month.”

(Mira made this lobster dress).