
What My Facebook Friends Are Wearing

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Ed's Note: Here at Impose we don't treat or interns like go-fers or human ottomans when we need to kick up our feet while sipping that fresh cup of hot tea. You're being scouted and possibly groomed every day you enter the HQ. Today, we're proud to debut a new column by former intern Walter Pearce, who we once fondly called “Skinny Walt”. The hazing is over and we've absorbed him into the family as a fashion blogger. We hope you enjoy.

I have cool Facebook friends. Every couple months I'm going to check in on what they're wearing. Last week I made a status soliciting '#tonightslook' pictures. Here's what they came up with.

Anna Soldner and Zxkvl Zxgyc Zxknznlm.

Finn Diesel. “jacket proper gang, overalls dickies, sweatshirt hba”.

Jazper '@boytweetsworldx' Abellera.

Angelina Dreem.

Zoë Shaw

Brandon Weber.

Alexandra Marzella.

Matt Ardell (#LCM).

Bryce Grates.

Sarah Glenn.
