
What'd You Have For Breakfast? Pt.II

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I've been thinking about breakfast a lot more recently. See, I started a new job, one that I really enjoy, but also one that requires me to wake up at 4:20 a.m.–literally, I am a baker that starts his day at 4:20 :/ –and there just isn't much else to think about that early. I also kind of miss breakfast. When you eat dinner seven hours before that morning alarm goes off, you just aren't hungry yet. Usually I'll fix two eggs fried in butter, but can only manage to force down the yolks, feeding the whites to my insatiable little dog Frankie before a moonlit walk to work.

That being said, welcome to round two of What'd You Have for Breakfast? Once again, curiosity struck and Chopped Liver decided to ask some of our favorite bands what they ate this morning (or afternoon, Tonstartsbandht). And before you go and judge these musicians for this article's somewhat-striking repetition of words like “leftover” and “cold,” let it be known that I, on my day off, had a leftover meatball sandwich for breakfast.

Abby of Potty Mouth – We're on tour right now so we've been eating out more, this morning we had eggs, toast, home fries or breakfast burritos.

Mikie of Giving Up – Cold pasta and marinara leftover from the night before. Coffee and cucumber water.

Nick of Naomi Punk – I had a psycho breakfast this morning.

Noah of Yvette – Sesame bagel with cream cheese and avocado and coffee.

Rick of Yvette – Sesame bagel with lox spread and coffee.

Edwin of Tonstartssbandht – Today I woke up and had a slice of cold, dry pizza from days ago. It was in the fridge but not wrapped and there was no microwave and I'm too impatient for ovens

Andy of Tonstartssbandht – I had leftover Delissio pizza for breakfast around 9 a.m., then went back to bed, then when I got up again in the afternoon my girlfriend made me an insane omelette–3 eggs, cheddar cheese, tomatoes, green onions and hot peppers. It's been a good day.

David of Bird Names – Unfortunately my breakfast was gross! Shit on toast, a box of Lemonheads and a glass of cum.

Rosemary of Troller – I had homemade migas with flour tortillas, Sadie's “Not as Hot” salsa, peaches and apple slices. We love breakfast tacos here in Tejas.

Justin of Survival Knife – Leftover mashed potatoes with a fried egg and a strawberry smoothie with lots of coffee and I think orange juice too.

Michael of Fourth Wife – Well, this is a doozy, I had one almond and dark chocolate Nutrigrain protein bar and some Place-of-Employment brand “house blend” coffee with cream and sugar.