
New York public schools didn't ban butter

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What do Impose, Fox News, Catholic Online, Very Conservative News and a Ron Paul fan page have in common? We're all covering New York Public Schools ban on butter.

In 2008 in an attempt to curb childhood obesity, butter was removed–with very little fanfare–from all cafeteria food and replaced with “healthier options” like fructose-loaded jelly, peanut butter packed with hydrogenated, hypoallergenic oils and genetically-modified and rancid vegetable oil dressings.

But last week a few school kitchen managers included butter in their orders; between $78 and $148 worth (c'mon that's barely more than my monthly butter budget).

An email quickly followed, stating “Please explain why your managers are ordering BUTTER!!! Every Manager on this list has to get a disciplinary letter by close of business next week.”

“We're not banning butter”, spokeswoman Margie Feinberg said. “We just haven't used it in our recipes since 2008.”

And if you try to use it you will be fired. But no, there's no ban.

(excess butter ordering report)

And in reality, if officials wanted to curb obesity they should keep butter on the menu and minimize the use of long-chain polyunsaturated oils and refined carbohydrates. Butter is rich in short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids, these molecules are not deposited to any extent in the adipose tissue (source). Cholesterol is also an important factor in childhood brain development, without it the ability of the brain to form synapses (upon which all thoughts, memories, learning and mental function depend) becomes much less efficient (source).

And don't forget frozen pizza is a vegetable so go ahead and spoon some Crisco on that baby and watch your flab disapear.