
Baked, “Mick Jagger”

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baked, debt, mick jagger

When I saw Baked at their first show outside of the sprawling and labyrinthine metropolis that is New York City, they announced that the band name was a reference to post-oven products, not to baked’s more illicit connotation. And like a really good croissant (or any of those wacky pastries that seem to take years to make), Baked’s new single, “Mick Jagger”, requires a bit of patience as it slow-cooks over its six-minute run time.

Taken from the quintet’s Exploding In Sound debut Debt, “Mick Jagger” is an expansive psych-pop song featuring flamenco-esque drums and reverb’d out guitars. Despite the track’s title, it seems to have little to do with the dancing Stones frontman and more to do with swaying your body around to the driving beat and celestial melodies—it's loosely reminiscent of a less 80s-influenced Wild Nothing. With “Mick Jagger”, Baked prove themselves to be slight outsiders on Exploding In Sound’s noisy, guitar-centric roster of bands. However, they also prove themselves to be a very welcome addition to a roster that continues to grow in eclecticism with every release.

Exploding In Sound will release Debt on August 19. Baked will also embark on a short tour in June, which includes some shows opening for Titus Andronicus. Check those dates out below.

Baked Tour:


29 Brooklyn, NY at Death By Audio w/ Shark?, Other Colors & Ronald Paris (Aaron Maine of Porches)


01 Brooklyn, NY at Silent Barn with LVL UP, Bluffing, TONSTARTSSBANDHT & more
04 Morgantown, WV at 123 Pleasant Street*
05 Pittsburgh, PA at Cattivo*
06 Rochester, NY at The Bug Jar*
07 Buffalo, NY at Tralf Music Hall*
08 Oswego, NY at The Dark Room*
11 Kingston, NY at BSP Kingston*
15 Brooklyn, NY at Baby’s All Right (Northside Festival) with Krill, Guerilla Toss, Ovlov & more

* with Titus Andronicus